Coming up this week…
- Good reasons to get a “checkup from the neck up” and eliminate your “stinkin thinkin”.
- How to avoid a common, heart breaking loss. It’s a shame so many people suffer this, when it’s so easy to avoid.
- And … “Why I Won't Promote Your Product”
Click here to download or listen to this episode now.
Spiritual Foundations
The single best way to eliminate your “stinkin thinkin”.
We know that we must guard our thoughts, but did you know this is not just a “positive thinking” idea – we find this same advice in the book of Proverbs. Plus in this episode we reveal what it really means to “Fear the Lord”. This may be the most important thing you hear all day!
Tip Of The Week
I was in the Apple Store getting my 7+, and I overheard this snippet of conversation, “She dropped the phone in the water and just wants her photos.”
People… use iCloud to back up your phone! PAY FOR IT. It’s 0.99 cents a month for Pete’s sake!
And by the way, check out iCloud Drive…it’s awesome!
Feature Segment: “Why I Won't Promote Your Product”
Let me start by saying that I like you, and I want you to succeed…but I won’t promote your stuff. That may sound harsh, but in this episode I expose the 7 Problems That Stop Me From Promoting Your Product.
But before you despair and give up all hope, I also have 7 Solutions to the 7 Problems.
Understanding this information could save you from a lifetime of fractured relationships with potential partners, and instead illuminate a profitable path forward with more friends (and sales) than you can shake a stick at.
How To Help
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