This is the 3rd time we’ve recorded this episode of the podcast because I just couldn’t get it right. I have some really important things to share, and what I had recorded just wouldn’t work.
We’ve had a bit of a rough ride over the last few weeks and months and learned a lot. So Tiffany and I agreed it was time to share what’s been going on. We’re letting you in on the secret in hopes that you can learn a thing or two from our snafu.
Click here to download or listen to this episode now.
Tune in to discover…
- How we screwed up our latest experiment in a major way by relying too much on passion instead of wisdom. I tell my students all the time that there’s no such thing as a failed experiment if you learn something from it, but GOSH… sometimes it stings!
- Some hard truths my friend Mike Stelzner told me about my recent experiments. This was one of those times I was really grateful for a friend who wasn’t afraid to tell me the truth, even if it was a bitter pill to swallow.
- The new brand we’re launching soon, and why it’s going to be bigger and better than anything we’ve done so far. There’s a book, tons of free teachings, and a new training program, all built to help you make a great living as a writer just like I have.
- My fun little side-project that’s got me all kinds of excited. The best part is, I’m going to take you along with me on this journey back to my roots in country radio.
- How we’re going to start holding our certified copywriters more accountable to maintaining and improving their copywriting chops. Some of them were a little nervous, but others said, “Good! What took you so long?!”
- The FREE “Prosperous Writer” masterclass I’m hosting this week to show you the easiest way to quickly make more money with your writing. This works whether you write for your own business or for clients. I’ll show you how to do it without being sleazy, pushy, obnoxious, or manipulative—even if you’re an unknown, inexperienced rookie.
- During the masterclass, you’ll learn…
- How to correct the #1 mistake most businesses make when selling their products and services–even the Fortune 500 fall victim. I’ll show you how to easily correct this mistake for your clients, which will turn them into loyal customers who are happy to pay you generously for a long time to come.
- A simple formula anyone can use to greatly increase the persuasive power and influence of their writing. If you can write a halfway decent letter to a friend, you can easily learn how to apply this writing formula and begin converting your prospects into raving fans who buy from you repeatedly.
- The most ironclad, newbie-proof method of becoming a prosperous writer who masters their craft, attracts quality clients, and continuously multiplies their income. Never before have I prepared such a fail-safe method of building a prosperous writing practice that almost anyone who follows these steps and applies my methods can use to experience life-long financial and professional success as a writer.
- How I’ve used the methods I’ll teach you in this week’s masterclass to make as much money every month as I used to make in a year. And I’m not bragging, I’m just stating the truth.
- The revelation my friend Ed Hill helped me have when he reminded me that all the things I love are based in writing. From music to fiction to films to Netflix… it’s all writing. And I LOVE it!
Links mentioned on this episode…
- Join me for my FREE “Prosperous Writer” masterclass this Thursday, November 21, 2019, at 9 a.m. Pacific time. Just click this link below to save your seat.
I’d love to hear from you. Tell me your biggest takeaway from today’s show on Twitter @rayedwards, on Instagram @rayedwards, and on Facebook too.
And if you’d like to share your manifestations or your miracles with us, please write in at [email protected]. We’d love to hear how God is working in your life.
Today’s show was produced by Kris Edwards with show notes and designs by Doug Pew and Juan Lopez.
Until we meet again may you prosper in all things: health, wealth, and wisdom. Now go live your most prosperous life.