Interview With Bryan Kelly

My guest this week has a solution to a problem that most of us are probably guilty of: We read a book and acquire some great knowledge, but never put it to use. I can’t give you an exact total of self-improvement and business related books I’ve read, but I’m certain it’s a three digit […]

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How To Create Content That Sells

I’m a big believer in systemizing tasks for repeatable results, BUT…can you systemize creative processes? Absolutely! In fact, I have a method that will help you generate consistent, strategic content that WILL get you noticed AND boost your bottom line. That’s what I’m breaking down in this week’s episode. Spiritual Foundations Where there are no […]

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The End of Overthinking

My guest this week is best-selling author and all-around superstar, Jon Acuff. I’ve been following Jon for a long time now, and his new book, Soundtracks, is one I can recommend without hesitation. In fact, I’ve read it twice, and as you’ll hear in our conversation, it’s already had an impact in my life. He has […]

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