The Great Reset

If you’re like me, you might be a little weary of hearing things about “the new normal” or even “the new economy.” But the fact is, whether we like it or not, things have changed. The opportunity we have is this: we get to choose how to respond to our new environment. In today’s podcast […]

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Ray’s Savage Schedule

Captain’s log 2020.06.04. Due to the outbreak of a novel Coronavirus, the entire planet earth has been shut down for the past 70 days.  Frustration, tension, anxiety, even desperation are on the rise as the wave of the initial cases of the virus subsides and the economic and social-political implications of the aftermath begin to […]

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A Real Conversation

Diana Gladney is my guest host today, and her specialty is Helping Busy Entrepreneurs Simplify Video Creation to Amplify Your Business & Brand! She helps busy entrepreneurs take complicated video tips and teaches them in a way that the everyday entrepreneur can understand so that they can share their purpose with those who need it […]

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Let’s Talk About George Floyd

This week’s podcast is a little different. We’re going to talk about the George Floyd killing and what’s happening right now in our country.  I’ve invited a good friend of mine, Dr. Fred Jones, to help me get some perspective on this issue.  Fred is intelligent, kind, and above all, wise in his counsel. I […]

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My Personal Code of Conduct

We all face difficulties in our everyday lives. Some things that I’ve struggled with are my emotions and reactions, and eating healthy food. I do a lot better with both things now even though I am not always perfect, but because I wrote down goals in my code of conduct to address those issues, I […]

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