Myths, Lies and Marketing

Myths are stories that teach us something about our best selves, that inspire us to reach for something better, or that caution us against grave error. Lies, on the other hand, are simply falsehoods perpetrated upon us for the purpose of robbing us of something. Marketing, in its pure and noble form, uses mythology; it […]

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5 Minutes To Marketing Success

Chances are, if you’re reading this blog, you’re a pretty savvy marketer. Here’s one way to improve all of your marketing efforts: before you make your next marketing move, take five minutes, close the door, turn off your phone, and imagine yourself in the life of your average customer. Think about what their problems are, […]

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7 Lies of Marketing

Seven myths — even lies — of marketing. Ignore them to your profit. 1. People buy what they need. 2. Quality products will always win. 3. Cheaper price always wins. 4. More features mean more sales. 5. People don’t judge a book by its cover. 6. Logic guides buying decisions. 7. Products must make sense […]

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