7 Income Streams For Copywriters

7 Income Streams For Copywriters

If you’re staring down the holidays, have a stack of bills, and the balance in your savings and investments accounts keeps getting lower…And if you’re wondering how long the COVID lockdowns will last, and there’s way too much month at the end of the money…This episode is for you! If you’re able to write decent […]

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Prospering Even In Times of Crisis

Something a little different for this week’s podcast… It’s been months since I’ve done a live stream and the timing felt right for this one. For those who want the raw, visual live stream, you can watch it at the link below. I’ve also included a neatly edited version in traditional podcast form. Whichever medium […]

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How To Create Steady Cash Flow

“Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, but cash is life.” As a business owner, nothing could be more true. According to the US Department of Labor and Statistics, the number one reason 95% of businesses close their doors is quite simply running out of money. In this week’s podcast, I’ll give you seven ways to […]

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