How To Get What You Want

How do you get what you want? The simple, two-word answer: Expect it. That is, of course, the boiled-down version…we’ll get into the specifics in this week’s episode. Click here to download or listen to this podcast now. Spiritual Foundations “If you think about it, people wake up in the morning, they begin to think […]

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Starting an Online Business Today

Ready to start your online business? On this week’s episode we’ll talk about the 3 things you need to get dialed in first. I’ll also be introducing my brand new cohost. Click here to download or listen to this podcast now. Spiritual Foundations “Sometimes we need a geography to usher our soul into spaciousness.” John […]

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3 Pivots That Provide Prosperity

What does it mean to pivot? The term “pivot” has become a buzzword referring to a significant business change — ranging from mild to dramatic. A pivot is usually intended to help a business recover from a tough period, or survive after experiencing new competition or other factors that make the original business model unsustainable. […]

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