I do this show to help you build the business you dream of and live the life you deserve. I show people like you how to start and grow an online business you'll love for less than $100. The economy doesn't dictate your fate, the politicians won't save your bacon, it's up to entrepreneurs like you and me! Start a business… save the world!
In today's episode…
I learned a lot from a sales pitch I got at a gas station. I'll tell you the story, and the valuable lesson (which will help you!)
This Week's Tip
- Check out Goodreads a social network for book lovers.
Feature Story: Gas Station Sales Lesson
Here we are, in a time when a lot of people are being washed out of all kinds of businesses, online and offline.
The excuse given is usually: “the economy”.
I’ve addressed the use of those two words as excuse elsewhere.
You see, the very qualities exemplified by a couple of gas station pitch-men are the same qualities that could save a lot of businesses from going under.
Listen to the story – and learn!
Listener Questions
- John Klein asks about how to test multiple landing page designs.
- Ohad wants examples of B2B copy for technical businesses.
- Ricky Breslin has comments on, and questions about, the book Secrets of Dynamic Communication by Ken Davis.
- Plugs for audio shout-outs, either MP3 or call in at (509) 713-2679
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Question for you: How do you “hustle” in your business? Comment below, or call in at (509) 713-2679