If your business is struggling right now, or you need more cash flow, you might think it's ridiculous for me to say there's something better than new customers. But there is, and that's what we'll cover in this week's interview with Jim Palmer.
In this weeks podcast episode:
- Jim Palmer shows us explains what is better than new customers.
- Stu McLaren: “You should start spying on people”.
- How to achieve effortless success.
That’s all coming up…
Tip Of The Week
I have long been recommended to you a program called Evernote. Recently, a new version of this software has been released. They have succeeded in making a great thing even better. The main features of Evernote that I like:
- Capture anything – save your ideas, things you like, things you hear, and things you see.
- Access it anywhere -Evernote works with nearly every computer, phone and mobile device out there.
- Find things fast. Search by keyword, tag or even printed and handwritten text inside images.
Lifestyle Business With Stu McLaren
Stu McLaren explains why he has been spying on people.
Spiritual Foundations
God's plan for you and your business is not that you work so hard that you make yourself sick, destroy your mental health, and wreck your family. His kind of success is effortless, and he has already done the work when he died on the cross:
Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
2 Peter 1:2–3
This doesn't mean that you simply sit on the couch and wait for things to fall into your lap. It does mean that as you work, you can be relaxed and free from anxiety and fear. He has already provided every blessing you need in life. So how do you get those blessings? It's simple: believe, and rest on the Lord's promises.
You might pray something like this: “Lord, I rest in the work that you have done on my behalf, and I thank you that you are already making good things happen for me. So I will stop all my stressing, struggling, and attempts to control circumstances in order to get what I want. I'm simply receiving what you've already provided.”
Feature Segment: Interview With Jim Palmer
There is something that is better than new customers-and you might be surprised to discover what it is. That's just one of the nuggets we will reveal in this interview with Jim Palmer. Listen to the podcast audio for the entire interview. And be prepared to take notes!
Listener Questions
Only one listener question this week, this one from Todd Liles of Service Excellence Training. Todd wants to know how he can get his podcast listed in iTunes.
Special Announcements
- I’m attending the Platform Conference in Nashville. If you do business online, you MUST attend this conference that helps you “get noticed in a noisy world.” It’s being put on by Michael Hyatt and Ken Davis. My friends Stu McLaren and Carrie Wilkerson are speaking. I’m also looking forward to meeting Jeff Goins, Cliff Ravenscraft, Pat Flynn, John Saddington, Michele Cushatt, and Andrew Buckman. Unlike most conferences, there’s not a single speaker I’m not excited to hear and to meet. Get a ticket while you can!
- Our exclusive Las Vegas workshop is more than half-full. If you're interested in participating, you will need to contact my office immediately.
- My next podcast will be on the topic of “How to Make the New Year Your Best Year Ever”. If you have a question about that, please leave me a voicemail message. This is a good way for you to promote your own website, because I will be happy to link to your site in return for you asking a question.
Would you like to have me speak at your event? Click here to visit my speaking page and get details on my availability.
Your Feedback
Do you have an idea for a podcast you would like to hear? Do you have a question that you like to ask me? Please send me an email.
And if you enjoy the podcast, I would consider it a great favor if you subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. This helps new people discover the podcast.
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