Stop the Violence

A lot of people today resort to threats and violence, especially online. Today I want to address the topic of psychological violence online and why people do it, and unfortunately why it works.  I want you to walk away from this podcast today with the knowledge of how to not be threatened with this violence […]

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Day Crusher Protocol

Today I tell you how to CRUSH your day before it’s even started. Guess what else?! It only takes one hour every morning. It’s great, it works, and you need to try it out. Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Tune in to discover… How to wake up productive, slay your […]

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Give a Lot to Get a Lot

What’s this… a daily podcast?! That’s right! I’m going to be here every day so you don’t miss out on anything I share. If you don’t already know, I have a show every weekday morning at 5:00 a.m. PST called Live at Five in my Ray Edwards Copywriting Community Facebook group, and now you’ll be […]

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