The Perfect Business

What is the purpose of your business? Is it to fulfill your mission in life? That’s how I explained my business to a friend one day over lunch. His response completely caught me off guard! It rocked my world… no exaggeration! That’s what I’m going to talk about this week on Episode 389 of The […]

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The Difference Between Magic and Miracles

I may shock you this week. Why? Because… even though I’m the guy who talks about “spiritual foundations” and sometimes even “woo-woo miracles” on his business podcast… I’m gonna set all that stuff aside today. I’m gonna talk about the “practical” kind of miracles and why you should stop all the “magic” miracle thinking. Download […]

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Interview with Stu McLaren

Are you interested in having guaranteed money in the bank every month? Then this week’s podcast is for you! I’m talking with my friend Stu McLaren, the founder of Stu has become famous by helping entrepreneurs build low stress, high-profit businesses using recurring revenue. How does that sound? How would it feel to start […]

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