How to Market With Evil Intentions

Let’s say I discovered a secret language pattern that could force people to buy whatever I’m selling. Would you want to know this tactic? Would you use it? What if people bought stuff they couldn’t afford for no other reason tan your tricky marketing tactics? Would that make you evil… or them gullible? All this […]

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Now for Something Completely Different

Today’s podcast is completely different than anything I have done in the past. Today, you get to listen in as my executive assistant, Tiffany Laughter-Twining, and my personal assistant, Adriane Allred, interview me. They’re asking me all the toughest, most personal questions come from you, O Constant Listener. I somehow suspect they slipped in a […]

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The One Skill to Rule Them All

What’s the highest-leverage skill you can learn in business? What if there was a skill you could learn that would allow you to: Create a new product or company from thin air Create cash windfalls on command Convince others of your belief or cause Decide your income and make it real Become location independent Save […]

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