You Just Need Worth It

At some point in life, I think most people find that they are essentially living the same day, over and over. Going to the same job, talking to the same people, thinking mostly the same thoughts, feeling mostly the same emotions…Everything is just mediocre repetition; neither advancing nor improving. They have brief notions of making […]

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3 Steps to Making Money as a Freelance Copywriter

This week we’re showcasing one of our highest reviewed episodes in the history of the show…And for good reason – It breaks down the process of starting a successful copywriting business into 3 simple steps. Yep…You’re (still) only 3 steps away from your work-from-anywhere, get paid to be creative, no-business-attire-required (or even pants for that matter) […]

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Answers on Writing as a Business

During today’s episode it is my goal to answer all your questions about starting your own writing business, especially in today’s new economy. Sometimes it seems like it’s a new economy every other day or so, but really there’s nothing to be frightened of. There is nothing new under the sun, after all-this has all […]

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