Over the years, I have trained many professional copywriters, but the actual writing is only part of what I teach. In order for a student to be successful as a writer (or any entrepreneurial venture), they need to know how to launch, run and grow their business. This leads to me getting asked various forms […]
For the Christian Creative – With David Lee Martin
This week, I’m introducing you to someone who is helping to change lives – in particular, the lives of Christian entrepreneurs around the globe. David Lee Martin is not only a student of mine, but he has become a great friend and respected colleague. In our conversation, David and I discuss his early beginnings as […]
What Copywriting Really Is
For this week’s episode, I wanted to get back-to-basics and give you the nuts and bolts explanation of who I am and my philosophy of writing persuasive, direct-response copy. I had done this already for someone else’s podcast back in 2018 as a guest host. That someone was the great Jeff Goins, and he gave […]
Make More Money Than You’ve Made All Year
We’re a couple of weeks into the 4th quarter of 2021 (October-December), but it’s not too late to make more money in this last quarter than you’ve made so far this year. No matter what your business, this week’s podcast lays out a simple plan for you to CRUSH your goals for the year, rake […]
Copywriting Alone Is Not Enough
This may blow a few minds, but I, Ray Edwards, direct response copywriting evangelist and educator, am telling you that Copywriting, alone…Is not enough. Today’s sophisticated, high-paying client demands that you have more to offer. This week, I’ll tell you what other skills you must possess to thrive, AND give you an actionable checklist that […]