Your Sales Copy System

See if this sounds like anyone you know… You need to generate some cash, so you come up with an idea. You set up your funnel and your checkout…You calculate your possible conversions…Then you remember you need to write that pesky sales copy, so you slap it together. As you roll out, you realize you […]

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What Does It Take To Make $1M

Having a “million-dollar idea” may not have quite the punch it had in decades passed, but that million-dollar milestone is alive and well. I mean, seven figures is a champagne-worthy occasion for most of us (the kind with a real cork), but realistically, how many of us can actually get there? What does it take […]

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Do The Hard Things

I can’t think of a time in my life where I have experienced significant growth, without significant effort. That’s true for pretty much all of us. We all know that our growth (as humans, spouses, entrepreneurs, etc.) comes from doing the hard things, yet we so often focus on trivial things…tasks that we can check […]

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