The Miracle Factor

I believe in real-life, tangible, supernatural miracles. And I’ve seen so many of them just in the past few weeks as I’ve handed my business back to God. Tiffany and I discuss what brought this on and where God is leading the company. The best part is, the miracles we’ve seen so far are only […]

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Post Event Breakdown

My executive assistant Tiffany Laughter-Twining and I have a debrief one week after coming home from our big live event, The Copywriting Academy Live. An event like no other we’ve ever done and may never do again.  Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

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Saying Goodbye

It’s time for me to say goodbye! And though some of you are thinking… “At last, he’s finally going to shut up!” You’re wrong. I’m not saying goodbye to the podcast, the website, or the YouTube channel. In fact, what I’m saying goodbye to is MUCH more important than all of those combined, and I’m […]

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