Before we start discussing the 3 keys, we’d better take a moment to define success. According to the great Earl Nightingale, success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal. That definition deserves some analysis. “Progressive realization,” tells me that, according to Earl, success is a process. I don’t have to wait until […]
Author: Ray Edwards
I Don’t Believe You
Beliefs produce results. If you truly believe something, there will be evidence of that belief somewhere in your life. Evidence of your beliefs comes in the form of results. If you believe that doing x, y and z will get you a thing that you desire, there will be results in your life that demonstrate […]
Get Genius Ideas on Demand
Where do your best ideas come from? If you answered, “your brain”, you’re only sort of correct. Our best ideas come from other ideas. We compile bits of information from books, videos, articles, blogs, conversations, etc., and through the convergence of those ideas, new ideas are formed. This week’s premise: You can build a system […]
Your Sales Copy System
See if this sounds like anyone you know… You need to generate some cash, so you come up with an idea. You set up your funnel and your checkout…You calculate your possible conversions…Then you remember you need to write that pesky sales copy, so you slap it together. As you roll out, you realize you […]
What Does It Take To Make $1M
Having a “million-dollar idea” may not have quite the punch it had in decades passed, but that million-dollar milestone is alive and well. I mean, seven figures is a champagne-worthy occasion for most of us (the kind with a real cork), but realistically, how many of us can actually get there? What does it take […]